Eric Holloway

Eric Holloway, the driving force behind Holloway Holdings LLC., began his career in the fiercely competitive world of auto racing, where he recognized the significance of seizing every opportunity for success and only having one chance to get it right. Inspired by the industry's unwavering dedication to excellence, he endeavored to infuse this mindset into the heavy equipment and industrial equipment markets. In 2008, he founded On-Site Services, believing that elevated business standards could revolutionize maintenance and repair practices.

Today, Holloway Holdings LLC comprises six thriving companies, a testament to Eric's steadfast commitment to exceeding industry norms and fostering continual growth. Eric, a true visionary, inventor, and entrepreneur, values loyalty, trust, hard work, and determination. His companies are built on the principle of "Keeping America Working," guided by core values of "still willing to get our hands dirty,” "pit crew mentality," and "we wear capes."

These core values are once again bringing Eric back to his racing career, and today, these core values are the driving force for all decisions that are made in the company.

“We hold the power of observation and the choice to be better, demanding more from ourselves and from our team. It is not enough to just show up to the racetrack, we need to put the work in to get the checkered flag.” - Eric Holloway